Monday, August 10, 2009

illegals working at 1143 Tangerine Way

The City of Sunnyvale does not enforce either contractor's who violate the law or their subcontractors.. I will be posting California State Law in regards to my comments because it will be needed in court. When you are accused of a crime in the state of california i.e. violation of a penal code you are being taken to court by the people of the state of california not the City of Sunnyvale.. so what laws apply in the scenario below?? is my commenting on it harassment?? no.. I am a united states citizen who just happens to live in a "crummy" city and state. We have thousands of people upset over the "health care proposals" in the United States... every person in the United States has a right to complain or write about what they believe. I based my statement on fact not fiction. The City of Sunnyvale does not enforce California State laws regarding illegal building or illegal sub contractors or even illegal contractors in the State of California. The city of sunnyvale is violating California State law.. the laws are as follows.. if a city ordinance is less strict than a california law.. or even federal law.. then the City is in violation and can be sued. I have complained about the City of Sunnyvale Building Department to the California State Contracting Lic board. The City of Sunnyvle is "corrupt" bottom line.

legally documenting illegals at 1143 Tangerine Way since I cannot take a photo..
two illegals who work for Erik Petersen Cal Lic #705044 Erik Petersen not present just illegals.. have seen no erik petersen.. saw illegals at 11:15am stalking staring at me home from across the street in a menacing behavior goes along with this email as follows please read.. City of Sunnyvale Police and local neighbors' behind it.. threats.. made and now Illegals across the street.. am legally documenting the harassment this part of a conspiracy to harass with help of illegals... so now you understand the NWO...
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 23:19:46 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: An information request form was submitted
> other_service:
> firstname: Taco Bell
> lastname:
> emailaddress:
> company:
> mailingaddress: do u have aproblm with Mexicns. yu rasistbitch fucku
> dayphone:
> eveningphone:
> contactmethod: Email address
> best_contact_time:
> primary_business:
> service_timeframe:
> how_learned: Browsing the web
> comments:
> submit.y: 12
> submit.x: 29


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didnt see anything about Mexicans here?

September 1, 2010 at 10:04 AM  

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